Gilbarco Air Meter Manual

The ART of Dispensing

SPRINT Series offers functional and reliable high hose models from 1 to 4 nozzles. Models are available as suction or pressure type, and use rugged Gilbarco Veeder-Root global components, making them dependable even in harsh field conditions. Standard flow-35L/min and High Flow-70L/min (One nozzle operational) options.

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Gilbarco Air Meter Manual Instructions

High to medium throughput sites that need functionality together with consistent reliability will find the SPRINT Series model a great choice.


Gilbarco Air Meter Manual
  • Gilbarco Meter with eCalibration
  • Minimal Pulse Resolution for Higher Accuracy
  • 2-Stage Valve for Accurate Delivery in > 2 Litres Transactions.
  • Accuracy in High Throughput Environments


  • Tamper-Resistant Electronics with Proprietary Interface Protocol
  • Magnetic potted pulsar with in-built eCalibration
  • Encrypted communication
  • “Family Integrity” concept for Intelligent boards
  • One time password requirement for Calibration
Gilbarco Air Meter Manual


  • Powder coated panels with > 500 hours of salt spray life
  • High Visibility: Uniform Brightness 24 hours a day
  • Gilbarco Veeder-Root global hydraulic components


Pumping Unit

Global Pumping Unit – OIML approved and integrated air separation


Rugged 0.746kW motor – 1 Phase, 220V / 3 Phase, 380V


Global Gilbarco Meter with eCalibration feature

Gilbarco Air Meter Manual


Gilbarco Air Meter Parts


1 Phase, 230V, 2-stage Solenoid Valve for accurate low volumes

Hydraulics Cabinet Door

Large size, powder coated panel for custom branding.

Hose Management

High Hose orientation, with hoses not interfering with display. Optional hose hanger.


High Hose, 2.1 metres


Product: Width 790mm x Depth 540mm x Height 2100mm
Packaging: Width 1070mm x Depth 630mm x Height 2250mm



Gilbarco Air Meter Manual Transfer Switch


Micro controller electronic register and proprietary protocol


Combination display for SALE and Volume – 40mm height (7 digits)
25mm digit for RATE (6 digits)
25mm digit for DENSITY (5 digits)


16 Key alphanumeric with self-enabled display


GVR 2-wire communication protocol