16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Free

Karmapa, 16th Karmapa Meditation. The Four Thoughts. We feel the formless stream of air at the tips of our noses and let thoughts and feelings pass without. Thi.5 version oj’ the 16h Karmapa Meditation.,n UJinter In the late Sixties, the 16th. Karmapa, Rarzjutig Rigpe Dorje, /,Ja1:trzah. Khenpo Rinpoche will give instructions on this meditation practice. He received the transmission as well as the ritual reading directly from 16 th Karmapa. The teaching will be given every Saturday at 5 pm (CET) starting May 2 and continuing through June 27. Each session will last approximately an hour and a half. 16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf. 6/5/2018 6/5/2018. Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, introduces a guided meditation. Karmapa begins by describing the proper posture for meditation, with a straight back and a balanced gaze cast slightly downward.

The 16th Karmapa continued his predecessor's activities, travelling and teaching throughout Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, India and parts of China. His activity also included locating the rebirths of high reincarnate lamas spontaneously, without meditation. Premonitions of Chinese Occupation and Escape from Tibet.

From the 1977 underground publication 'International Times'

We just stumbled upon an interesting and historic text published in an ameteur ‘underground’ newsletter from 1977. “The International Times,” as it was called, seems to have been produced by and aimed at the UK’s hippy subculture, and ran regularly between the late sixties and mid eighties. There is now an online archive displaying these publications. The text in question concerns the 16th Karmapa, and is written by the great Kagyu master Lama Gendun Rinpoche in France, in anticipation of the 16th Karmapa’s second visit to the West in 1977. As one can see by the design and presentation of the text, in those times the hippy generation had become interested in Tibetan Buddhism. In more recent times, as interest in Tibetan Buddhism became more widespread and mainstream, and particularly with the Diamond Way Buddhist centres established by Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl, the Kagyu teachings moved from the fringes to the middle of Western society, free of the confusion and mixing of spiritual teachings, which often characterized those earlier days.

The newsletter states: “His Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa is expected here in June [1977]. He will probably stay here for eight weeks. The precise date of his arrival is uncertain because, due to the success of his tour of the U.S., his stay there keeps getting prolonged. Gendun Rinpoche will be giving a three-week teaching course in Hay for those who can camp. Anyone interested in further details should write to the centre.”

The full text by Gendun Rinpoche is presented below.

16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Free Pdf

A Short Explanation Regarding the Significance of the arrival of His Holiness the Sixteenth Gyalwa Karmapa, by Lama Gendun Rinpoche

Long ago, after seeing the suffering of beings in the six realms, compassion arose in the minds of all buddhas. In order to free all beings from the suffering of countless rebirths in the circle of conditioned existence, they gathered and prayed for the merit of beings to ripen so that they might be liberated from their obscurations and unskillful actions of body, speech and mind, the perfect, deep and clear meditative absorption took place and Karmapa, emanation of the Great Compassionate One, Lord Chenrezig, was named and thus appeared on earth.

From the first incarnation, Dusum Kyenpa, down to the present incarnatation, Rangjung Rikpi Dorje, the Karmapas have shown themselves continuously.

The karmapa

16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf

In the past, countless numbers of buddhas have manifested throughout the ten directions of space, showing to beings the holy teachings of the enlightened ones. In the present Dharma Age we are under the guidance of the teachings given by Shakyamuni Buddha. In the future, the Wheel of the Dharma will be turned by His Holiness Karmapa, who will then be known as the Buddha Drugpa Sinjay.

The precious Guru Padmasambhava has said, and in my opinion it is true that if one sees the face of the Karmapa, or hears his voice, unimaginable defilements and obscurations are removed and rebirth in the lower realms is prevented.

16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Free

In a text spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha (kr-wo-gnam lchag-we-spyad-leg) it is said “from all the ten directions, all buddhas gathered in the centre of the mandala and predicted that one called Karmapa will become in order that the dharma may flourish.”

And (in the mdo-dsdus-pas-les) it is said “In countless numbers of worlds, countless Karmapa incarnations will appear.”

16th Karmapa & Gendun Rinpoche in Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, France 1977 (Photo: Peter Mannox)


Again (in the mgna-pas-les) it is said “In the ten directions, throughout space, hundreds of thousands of buddhas are seated; and in hundreds of thousands of worlds, countless Karmapa tulkus appear.”

In another text spoken by Buddha (mdo-ting-azine-rgyal-po-les) it is said: “After my teachings are finished, there will appear like the roaring of a lion, an emanation of the Great Compassionate One, Chenrezig, this bodhisattva, called Karmapa will cause the fruit of dharma to ripen and spread. At that time, all who have heard his voice, seen or remembered him, will gain liberation.”

And again (in the mDo-Lang-Kar-gSheds-pa-les) it is said: “The lineage of the Black Hat One (the Karmapas) will continue without interruption for as long as the age of a Thousand Buddhas lasts, for the benefit and welfare of all sentient beings without limit.”

All of the above quotations were not spoken by just anyone, but were very clearly stated by Shakyamunl Buddha himself.

I think it is therefore important for us to know that this enlightened being will be coming to Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, France in a few months, For those with no knowledge of dharma, and, for the benefit of all beings, I have written these few lines so that all may have the opportunity to see His Holiness and to clearly understand the nature and the power of the blessings his presence will convey. If one sees the face of Karmapa, one is sure to be purified from all unskillful actions of the past. It is of very great importance to have confidence and that is why I’ve written this short paper.

– Gendun Rinpoche

Karmapa, 16th Karmapa Meditation. The Four Thoughts. We feel the formless stream of air at the tips of our noses and let thoughts and feelings pass without. Thi.5 version oj’ the 16}h Karmapa Meditation. ,n UJinter In the late Sixties, the 16th. Karmapa, Rarzjutig Rigpe Dorje, /,Ja1:trzah. A path to the realization of the nature of mind through identifying with the Lama. This meditation is the basic meditation of the Karma Kagyu lineage and is.

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One meditates as if relaxed after doing a fulfilling job all day. Karmapa knows our wish.

It is your buddha essence and the source of highest, timeless bliss. Is it possible to reach enlightenment just by doing this very meditation? Want to learn a language?

Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, 16th Karmapa – Wikipedia

He now remains at a pleasant distance in front of us. And especially in the Lama, here the 16th Karmapa. The previous Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje left a letter setting forth the circumstances of his next incarnation.

Nothing is more effective than identifying body, speech, and mind with those of a buddha. Meditatuon do we visualize while saying the mantra? We recognize our precious opportunity in this life, that we can benefit countless beings through the methods of a Buddha. It is the same with meditations. Devenez-vous plus riches ou plus pauvres?

Building-up Phase The conditioned world dissolves into space.

Diamond Way meditations

karmspa Because he blows away all tight and bureaucratic tendencies, he is the boss. How and when did the meditation on the 16th Karmapa appear?

Clear light fills our head, red light our throat and blue light our heart center.

I think that returning to the world with the power of the meditation and improving it is what inspires people most right now. Where this meditation is practiced, people stick together. In front, Karmapa’s golden form and his Black Crown dissolve into rainbow light. Where do you see the main difference between this practice and other Guru Yogas, for example on the 8th Karmapa?

He was taken to the Palpung Monastery where the 11th Tai Situpa, Pema Wangchok, gave him ordination, the Bodhisattva vows and many teachings.

A strong clear light radiates from between Karmapa’s eyebrows and enters the same place in our forehead. Do you see us still practicing the 16th Karmapa meditation in the next 50 years, or will we be doing something else? You must be registered before participating in this forum. Something essential has happened. I would like to again point out the great and precious opportunity we have through our guru yogas.

Every atom vibrates with joy and is kept together by love. The 16th Karmapa composed this meditation himself and asked Hannah and Lama Ole to teach it as the main practice in the West. Meditate when possible, even if only for a few minutes. May they bring all beings the only lasting joy, that of knowing mind. The Guru Yoga on the 8th Karmapa is an advanced meditation for which one can ask for authorization to practice after having completed the Foundational practices.


Home About us Events Timeline Archive. To hear audio for this text, and to learn the vocabulary sign up for a free LingQ account. They express the state of compassion and wisdom inseparable. And its goal is timeless spaceawareness— fearless, joyful, and compassionate. When we are done with Ngondro and practice the 8th Karmapa meditation, does it make sense to practice the meditation on the 16th Karmapa as well?

16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Free Youtube

It is the basic practice of Diamond Way Buddhism. Everything harmful now leaves our mind.


Meditation practices used in the Diamond Way

Where this meditation is practiced, people stick together. A vast library of audio lessons, all with matching text Revolutionary learning tools A global, interactive learning community. One prostrates while visualizing all the aspects of the Refuge and repeating a refuge formula.

Understand everything pleasant as a blessing and something good to be shared with others, and see everything unpleasant as a life-experience, as purification and a teaching that should help others later. In the beginning of he went into retreat, and in started a pilgrimage to India together with Tenzin Gyatsothe 14th Dalai Mevitation.

He received his hair cutting ceremony at age thirteen from Thubten Gyatso, 13th Dalai Lama.

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