Fl Studio Notes Not Snapping Together
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- My first main daw was fl studio, but studio one's piano roll is just as good. Only feature missing is filled by rewire tbh. If you mean drawing notes, that's the same way as ableton either double clicking or entering drawmode/clicking the pencil icon and/or right clicking while holding the left clicker: P.
Hey guys,
I'm suddenly having an issue with recording Midi from my Akai MPK Mini, everything used to work perfectly, but now, when I play notes on the keys while RECORDING, the notes are timed completely incorrectly on the piano roll. The issue seems to be timing, if I record a note BEFORE the 1/2 bar mark (half a measure) the notes will be automatically laid out at the start of the Bar or measure. Then, any notes that are recorded BETWEEN the 1st 1/2 bar mark and the end of the first Bar, the notes are automatically laid out at the exact start of the 2nd Bar.
In essence, when I play notes on the Midi controller, they sound correct and I can play whatever sequence I desire with no timing issues. However, when I press RECORD, the notes are laid out on the Piano Roll at the beginning of each bar or measure. It is as if Fl studio is rounding my notes up or down depending on if the note is played on the Midi controller before or after the halfway point on each measure.
I have attached an image to show you exactly how the piano roll looks when I play a simple 4 beat melody. The first two notes will automatically be recorded on the piano roll at the beginning of the first measure, and the last two notes will be recorded on the piano roll at the beginning of the 2nd bar/measure.
Any assistance would be appreciated! I am sure this is a simple fix in the settings or options! I have tried all Snap settings but this doesn't do anything.
Fl Studio Notes Not Snapping Turtle

Fl Studio Notes Not Snapping Sound

Fl Studio Notes Not Snapping
I currently use FL studio to compose my music, but the time gap between coming up with the tune in my mind to writing it down on the screen is far too large - and thus my idea comes out in a hideous form on screen. I sometimes attempt to record my songs using my keyboard, but it is always too inaccurate, making it sound like crap when I try adding other instruments. Trying to fix each note. That is notes played on a controller keyboard will snap to the value selected here during a MIDI recording. NOTE: The snap options (none), Line & Cell are not input quantized. The snap options are: Line - Events snap to the nearest grid-line, notice that the grid changes resolution as the Piano roll, Playlist or Event Editor are Zoomed. Essentially, quantization allows a user to snap individual (or all) notes to a grid, which grid you choose depends entirely on what best suits the piece of music. You could use a grid that uses whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, and so on. Slightly more nuanced rhythmic variations like triplets and dotted notes are available, as well.